Removal of Pinguecula
Pinguecula is a yellowish, raised growth on the conjunctiva. It’s usually on the side of the eye near your nose, but can appear on the other side too. A pinguecula is a protein, fat, or calcium deposit. Although a pinguecula itself is usually harmless, it sometimes causes redness or irritation to the eye.

You can get pinguecula at any age, but they’re typically found in middle-aged and older people. These growths rarely need to be removed, and no treatment is necessary in most cases.
For patients with eye discomfort associated with a pinguecula, your doctor may prescribe artificial tears, gels or ointments to provide more lubrication to the eye. This often helps to reduce the redness and irritation. In more severe cases, topical steroid drops may be used to control inflammation.
Surgery for pinguecula is uncommon, but may be required if there is suspicion for a precancerous lesion that needs removal. Pinguecula surgery involves removing the growth then replacing the affected area with healthy conjunctiva or other eye tissue.
The best method to prevent a pinguecula is to protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation by wearing certified wrap-around sunglasses and brimmed hats while outdoors.