Archive May 1, 2021

May is Better Hearing Month: Discover Your Hearing!

May is Better Hearing Month: Discover Your Hearing!

It Is National Better Hearing Month!

Among the five senses, we rely on, hearing allows us to not only enjoy life but also to perform the necessary things we need to live safely.  It is essential to most work and recreational activities and permits us to communicate more fully.  The ability to hear is a fundamental part of life that many people take for granted.

More than 2.5 million cases of hearing impairment are reported annually in the United States.  However, the most hearing loss goes undiagnosed and untreated.  Permanent hearing loss can result from repeated exposure to noise at hazardous levels such as noise from firearms, rock music, portable MP3 players with headphones, jet airplanes, lawn mowers, power tools, and many others. Approximately 30% of the people over age 65 and 70-80% over 75 years of age have a significant hearing impairment.  Baby boomers (49-66 years of age) are showing an increased hearing loss at earlier ages.

Many people are aware that their hearing has deteriorated but are reluctant to seek help. There are many reasons why they choose to wait.  Maybe they are embarrassed to admit that they have a problem.  Maybe they feel like they can get by without it and wait years, even decades to get help.

There are considerable negative social, psychological, cognitive, and health issues associated with untreated hearing loss.  Hearing loss can affect the quality of life. Elderly people with a hearing impairment experience reduced mobility, reduced involvement in social activities, and loneliness.

Call Gene Smith, Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist, to schedule your FREE HEARING SCREENING in celebration of National Better Hearing Month. Eye Center South, Dothan, AL 800-467-1393.

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