LASIK surgery has helped improve the vision of millions providing a safe and effective way to correct vision. Over the decades since it was invented, technological advances and developments in laser technology and surgical techniques have continued to make it an even safer and more popular procedure.
The Basics of LASIK
LASIK surgery is a refractive surgery that was developed about 30 years ago. This two-step procedure uses non-thermal pulses of light to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, and/or astigmatism. A precision laser reshapes the cornea to modify the focus and improve vision.
Who Performs the Surgery?
The LASIK procedure is performed by Ophthalmologists. Ophthalmologists are eye physicians with advanced training in medicine and surgery who have completed their residency and/or fellowship in Ophthalmology. This advanced training takes 12-14 years allowing for the specialized treatment and diagnosis of eye-related conditions. At Eye Center South, you are in expert hands with our highly trained doctors.
Getting Prepared for LASIK
To determine whether you are a good candidate for LASIK, your doctor will begin with an eye exam and explain the risks and alternatives to the surgery. If you wear contacts, it is important you refrain from wearing them prior to your exam as they change the shape of your cornea. During your appointment, you will receive a complete explanation of what to expect before, during, and after the surgery. Last, you will have a dilation test. Your doctor will get several measurements of your eyes before and after dilation. This process takes a few hours to ensure that the exact necessary measurements are obtained.
The Procedure
Eye Center South’s technology for performing LASIK is the newest and most advanced making the process not only quick but safe. Eye Center South’s co-founder Dr. Heersink has performed countless LASIK procedures, “We have the patient relax. We play some music. We give them medication to make them feel comfortable, and we use some instruments to help keep the eyes still”.
During LASIK, the top layer of the eye is removed with a laser. The patient is awake during this procedure but is given muscle relaxants and pain medication making it painless. Next, the anatomy of the eye is adjusted for improved vision, and then the top layer of the eye is replaced. Even with operating on one eye at a time, the entire surgery only takes about 15 minutes.

The procedure and recovery time is quick allowing patients to return home the same day. During recovery, it is normal to experience some itchiness and discomfort over the subsequent 24 hours. The following day, it is common to return to the clinic to have an evaluation of the healing process. Additionally, the patient will be seen a couple more times over the next few months to ensure that the outcome is optimal, and healing is progressing.
Eye Center South offers the most advanced LASIK treatments at the Dothan and Destin locations. Dr. Marnix Heersink, Dr. Sebastian Heersink, Dr. Zsolt Bansagi and Dr. Austin Henkel have performed countless LASIK procedures in our Dothan and Destin clinics using our advanced technology and state-of-the-art equipment. If you are thinking about LASIK and would like more information, please contact us to schedule an evaluation.